Benefits of Dermaplaning

Benefits of Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning is a non-invasive procedure where the outer layer of skin (epidermis) is removed using a special device called dermabrasion. This procedure enhances the appearance of the skin and is performed by professionals to remove dead cells, dirt, oil, and debris buildup from the upper layers of the epidermis. These dead cells and debris build up over time and cause irritation and inflammation.

The procedure works best on oily and acne-prone skin and may help improve fine lines and wrinkles. There are many different types of dermal abrasive devices ranging from small handheld units to larger machines. When deciding on a machine, make sure to choose one that is appropriate for your skin type.

Here are some of the benefits of dermaplaning:

1. Remove dead skin cells

Dead skin cells can clog pores and irritate the surrounding skin. By removing these cells, the skin surface becomes smoother and healthier.

2. Reduce redness and swelling

Redness and swelling are often caused by dry skin. Abrasive devices work by exfoliating the top layer of skin and then smoothing out the area. Redness and swelling are reduced after the procedure.

3. Help reduce blemishes

Blemishes occur due to excess oil production. Excess oil causes bacteria to multiply and lead to breakouts. After cleansing, the device helps smooth out the skin and prevent future breakouts.

4. Improve skin texture and tone

After the skin is cleaned, the device removes the top layer of skin. As a result, the skin looks smoother and firmer.

5. Get rid of blackheads

Blackheads appear when sebum builds up under the skin’s surface. Blackheads are essentially dead skin cells stuck together. Removing them reduces the amount of oils produced and decreases the likelihood of blackheads occurring again.

6. Enhance the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

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